Trio Talent Search
Talent Search (TS) is one of the eight federal TRIO programs that are funded by the US Department of Education. The primary goal of TS is to provide educational guidance services to encourage students to complete high school, develop academic skills to ensure their success in college, and eventually complete a college credential. The TS program at MCC serves a minimum of 756 middle and high school students in a four-county region each academic year.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Madisonville Community College Talent Search program is to advance the idea of equal educational opportunities in post-secondary education by motivating, assisting, and encouraging eligible participants in the 6th – 12th grades to graduate from high school, successfully pursue post-secondary education, and graduate with a credential.
Vision Statement
We believe every student can be successful and are committed to helping each participant achieve their educational goals. Participants will be equipped with the necessary resources and skills which will enable them to successfully meet the challenges of the 21st century, make sound career decisions, and pursue postsecondary opportunities that will enable them to improve their quality of life and to contribute to society.
Who Can Participate?
Talent Search accepts applicants on a rolling basis provided there is space available at the student’s school. New students are recruited primarily in the fall, particularly 6th graders; however, referrals are accepted all year and from all grades.
Talent Search is mandated by the US Department of Education to select a certain number of students who meet specified eligibility requirements which include students that fall below certain income levels and/or whose parents did not graduate from a 4-year post-secondary institution. However, not all students are required to meet this criterion, and anyone can apply. Submission of an application does not guarantee placement in Talent Search.
Applications can be obtained from middle school and high school counselors as well as TS staff.
Counties Served:
- Hopkins County
- Muhlenberg County
- Crittenden County
- Webster County
Services and Activities
Talent Search offers an array of services and activities to help our students meet their educational goals. Regularly scheduled workshops, in-school presentations, STEM activities, college campus tours, and enrichment trips are conducted during the school year. Summer activities include campus tours, camp opportunities, and cultural enrichment trips.
Monthly workshops, in-school presentations, and individual meetings include the following topics:
- Career Exploration
- Drop Out Prevention
- College Exploration
- College Application Assistance
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Goal Setting
- College Campus Tours
- Job Outlook
- Cultural Diversity
- Study Skills
- ACT Test-Taking Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Communication Skills
- STEM Activities
- Financial Literacy
- College Campus Visits
- Cultural Trips and Experiences

TRIO works and our students' success is proven!
During the 2022-2023 academic year:
- 99% of TS students stayed in school!
- 100% of TS seniors graduated!
- 72% of TS seniors graduated with a rigorous curriculum!
- 77% of TS seniors enrolled in postsecondary education!
MCC TRIO Talent Search
John H. Gray Building, Suite 301
2000 College Drive
Madisonville, KY 42431
Phone: 270-824-1709
Fax: 270-824-1865
Email: MD-MCCTrioTS@kctcs.edu