Mission & Vision | MCC

Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Consistent with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System strategic vision, Madisonville Community College has adopted the following mission statement:

Mission: to advance an enduring and enthusiastic commitment to student-centered learning and achievement.

In support of our mission and as a public comprehensive community college and member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, Madisonville Community College will:

  • offer two-year associate degree curricula transferable to all colleges and universities in Kentucky;
  • offer two-year associate of applied science, career-oriented technical degree curricula for immediate employment;
  • offer diploma and certificate level programs, not intended for transfer, but designed to meet the changing needs of business and industry;
  • provide flexible customized training opportunities for area employers;
  • provide adult literacy services;
  • provide non-credit personal enrichment programming; and
  • provide arts appreciation and arts education opportunities.

The mission statement derives from an institution-wide commitment to these values:

  • Shared responsibility for learning between student and teacher
  • Mutual respect and open communication
  • Open inquiry and data-based decision making
  • Effective collaboration and teamwork
  • Flexibility, adaptability and availability
  • Professional behavior and personal effectiveness
  • Community service and responsiveness
  • Continuous improvement
  • Diversity in all its dimensions
  • Sustainability
  • Life-long learning

Our Vision

Vision: Madisonville Community College will be recognized nationally as an outstanding comprehensive community college, committed to student-centered learning, innovative programming, and access.