Academic Resources
Academic Calendar
Deadlines, registration timetables, tuition due dates, holidays, special events, vacations, and the beginning and end of each semester.
Accessibility Services
We provide a full range of services to students who have disabilities.
Advising Center
Find out how to get an appointment with your advisor.
Blackboard Help
Get help with Blackboard Issues.
MCC and Barnes and Noble have joined together to help our students with textbooks, school supplies, school spirit apparel, and much more!
Campus Safety
MCC is concerned with the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors to all of our locations.
Career Services
Invest in your future and unlock your full potential with our Career Services.
Class Schedules
Our class schedules are thoughtfully designed to provide you with a comprehensive education.
Class Search
Find up-to-date information about class availability.
Code of Conduct
See your rights and responsibilities within our academic community.
Go KCTCS! Student Service Center
Give them a call, live chat, or drop them an email if you have questions about all things school related.
The Learning Space
Free course tutoring and technical support for all MCC students!
We don't just help you find what you're looking for, we can also help you decide what you want to use. See what the Library has to offer!
Legal Resources
A list of available resources for students who need help dealing with personal legal issues. Requires a KCTCS username and password. (KCTCS does not provide legal representation or advice.)
Office of Cultural Diversity
We seek to create and maintain an inclusive, respectful, and equitable learning and work environment.
Personal Effectiveness Skills
Personal and professional attributes and behaviors are necessary to be successful in college and in the workplace.
Placement & Academic Testing
Find information about the tests we offer, our testing locations, and how to get in contact with us.
Ready to Work
The program provides the RTW participant with a comprehensive network of support services.
Records Office
Get help with your official records or learn more about graduation.
Student Complaints
Information about how to resolve academic and non-academic disputes between students and faculty or administration.
Student Self Service
The Student Self-Service is your one-stop for all your school records and information.
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in college programs and activities.
Looking for your official college transcript? It’s easy to get one—and we’re here to help.
Transfer Information
Are you interested in earning a bachelor’s degree after MCC? We can help! Our Transfer Services is designed to help students transfer out to four-year schools.
TRIO Student Support Services
TRIO SSS provides a personal "safety net" beginning with your first year of college through graduation.
User Account Center
Create your user profile, obtain your student ID and username, and to set your password.
Veterans Services
MCC is committed to connecting Military Service Members, Veterans, and their families with the services and resources they need to reach their personal and academic goals.