MCC Spring Commencement Exercises
Madisonville Community College will hold the 2023 commencement ceremonies on Friday, May 5, at the Glema Mahr Center for the Arts on the college’s North Campus. The first ceremony begins at 5:30 p.m. and will include associate in arts, associate in science, and nursing program graduates. The second ceremony begins at 7:30 p.m. and will include associate in applied science and diploma graduates from all other academic programs.
The college will recognize a student as the outstanding student of the year and also present two faculty members with the Richard and Phyllis Frymire Excellence in Teaching Award. Jeff Groves, of Groves Electrical Services, will be honored as the distinguished alumnus for 2023.
“Graduation is a celebration of our students and we are always so happy to host family, friends, and supporters during our commencement exercises. We have another outstanding graduating class heading into great careers or onto to transfer at a four-year college or university,” shared Dr. Cindy Kelley, Madisonville Community College president. “It is a wonderful opportunity as well to recognize our distinguished alumnus, Jeff Groves, for his support of the college and for his contributions to his profession and the community.”