Spring 2022 MCC Night Flex
Beginning Spring 2022, MCC is offering night classes that also give you the flexibility to attend class in person or online.
Classes begin January 10, 2022, and you can register now! On the Muhlenberg Campus, call (270) 757-9881. On the North Campus, call the Enrollment Center at (270) 824-8657.
Muhlenberg Campus - Night Flex
- ART 100 Introduction to Art
- BIO 139 Human Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab
- HIS 108 History of the U.S. through 1865
- PSY 110 General Psychology
North Campus - Night Flex
- MAT 100 College Algebra Workshop
- MAT 150 College Algebra
For more information, contact the MCC Enrollment Center at 270-824-8657 or aimee.wilkerson@kctcs.edu.