Adult Education
Did you know that on average, a person with a high school diploma or GED® earns $9,400 per year more than someone without a high school diploma? The higher a person's educational level, the higher their earnings.
Adult Centers for Educational Excellence (ACE2) at Madisonville Community College provides free GED® classes in Hopkins and Muhlenberg counties. Our mission is to provide services to enhance the lives of adult learners by:
- Preparing for your GED®
- Improving your basic skills
- Learning English as a Second Language
- Preparing for college
- Preparing for employment
Contact us today about earning your GED® credential
Center & Class Locations
Hopkins County
Madisonville Community College North Campus
John H. Gray Building, Rooms 210-213
2000 College Drive
Madisonville, KY 42431
How to find us? Park near the Glema Mahr Center for the Arts and the John H. Gray Building. Use the
concourse to enter the JHG building on the third floor, continue on before turning
left at the hallway, and thru the silver door take the stairs or elevator down to
the second floor.
Adult Education is just down from the Assessment Center in Rooms 210, 211, 212, &
Phone: 270.824.1770
Email: vicki.morris@kctcs.edu
In Hopkins County, we also offer classes:
Dawson Springs Library - Tuesday mornings
150 School Avenue, Madisonville - Tuesday afternoons
Nortonville Library - Tuesday & Thursday evenings
Muhlenberg County
50 Career Way, Central City, KY 42330
Phone: 270.338.2257
Email: rosi.lovell@kctcs.edu
Muhlenberg County residents working toward GED can earn up to $400 as well as get help with transportation and childcare with the GED Learn & Earn program funded through the Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation.
MCC Adult Education Summary of Services
A key factor affecting Muhlenberg County’s future continues to be the ability to attract quality companies to the county and to encourage the companies in Muhlenberg County to expand their facilities. In order to do this, building a skilled workforce will be critical. The Felix E. Martin Jr. Foundation is committed to doing all it can to help build that workforce.
The GED is a high school equivalency credential. There are four sections: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. Our centers prepare adult learners in all four subjects.
The ASVAB is a standardized, timed, 10-test battery that measures four domains: Verbal, Math, Science and Technical, and Spatial. One function of the ASVAB is to determine military enlistment eligibility and occupational aptitudes. Our centers can assist adult learners in preparing for the verbal, math, and science portions.
Burlington English is an online program for English Language Learners in four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students can use this in class or at home to improve their pronunciation and comprehensibility.
College-bound students take the EdReady and KYOTE placement tests to assess their current level of readiness in reading and math. Once a student has completed the assessments, we provide a personalized study plan to boost knowledge and improve test scores.
For candidates seeking a KESC, our centers utilize the online WIN Soft Skills course to build skills in critical thinking, communication, professionalism, and collaboration in the workplace. Upon successful completion and testing, adult learners will receive a certificate to recognize their workforce readiness.
The Kentucky Paraeducator Assessment is administered to candidates seeking employment as paraeducators in the Muhlenberg and Hopkins County School Systems. Adult Education provides the KPA Study Guide and any needed instruction in Math or Reading/Language Arts skills to prepare candidates for the exam.
ServSafe Food Handler training and certification classes are administered both virtually and in person. Our remote online course and exam packages provide an easy way for you and your staff to comply with the latest food safety regulations. These courses are designed to teach participants the importance of food safety measures, as well as equip them with the knowledge and strategies needed to properly prepare, handle, serve, and store food. Upon completion of the course and passing of the exam, participants will receive a certificate proving that they have completed the necessary training and are knowledgeable about food safety.
In pre- and post-testing, the TABE 11 & 12 serves as a diagnostic tool that assesses adult learners’ skills that are necessary for college and career readiness. The TABE measures skills in reading, math, language, vocabulary, and spelling; and the TABE Complete Language Assessment System–English (TABE CLAS-E) measures proficiency in English.