Syllabus Policies and Resources
The following policies and resources apply to all MCC college courses. Please see your instructors' course syllabi for specific class information.
Refer to MCC's Academic Calendar to view withdrawal dates.
If you find that you need to drop a course(s), there are steps you must complete to “officially” withdraw. You will not be officially dropped from a class based on a phone conversation or email with your instructor or advisor. You must complete an online Withdraw/Drop Request form located in your Student Self-Service account.
Dropping a class(es) may impact your academic progress and your financial aid. If you find it necessary to drop a class (or all your classes), you must submit the Withdraw/Drop Request online. Approval of your drop request depends upon your instructor’s policy on dropping after mid-term. Please check your course syllabus before dropping a class.
You can drop a course online through your Student Self-Service. For detailed instructions, please visit the Student Training and Learning Center.
The Learning Space provides FREE subject tutoring and technical support for all MCC students. You can find all our services and book your own appointments, including remote appointments outside of regular hours, at Services at the Learning Space. The link is also available on MyPath under "Tutoring Services" (near the bottom of the page). Keep an eye on your inbox for weekly emails announcing special workshops, webinars, and exam reviews.
Contact Information: Email md-thelearningspace@kctcs.edu for more information, or contact Dorothy Cates, The Learning Space Coordinator, at dorothy.cates@kctcs.edu. We're here for you!
This course is a part of MCC's student success initiative using the Starfish Student Success Network. You will find the Starfish application on your MyPath page. Throughout the semester, you may receive emails at your KCTCS email account from your MCC support network (instructors, advisors, and so forth). You may be contacted by email, phone, or text by our Success Coach, Lassie Bowles (lassie.bowles@kctcs.edu) to better address any issues you may be having. If you receive a Starfish communication, please keep in mind this is done to connect you with your MCC team and other campus resources to help you be successful. It is important you check your email regularly and follow up on recommended actions.
In cases of inclement weather please listen to area radio and television stations for cancellations. Madisonville Community College’s standard procedure during inclement weather is to remain open and hold classes as scheduled. Campus closures are rare; however, should the weather become severe enough to warrant closing the campus, we will contact local media as well as relay the information using SNAP to your phone, email, or text message. Please watch for a SNAP announcement and/or the local news or listen to local radio for the latest information. As always, use your own judgment when determining whether or not it is safe to travel in your area.
For more information, or to sign up for SNAP, visit MCC’s student safety page.
Closed Building Policy: Scheduled building closing would follow the approved calendar while unscheduled (electrical, plumbing, damage, etc.) would follow the same announcements as inclement weather but would be isolated to that particular building/buildings.
Madisonville Community College is concerned with the safety of the students attending classes at any of the four campuses. The following points are for your benefit as a student:
- In case of any life-threatening event, call 911. The local emergency responders are better equipped to take care of these situations.
- To sign up for the Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) go to the MCC webpage and click on the SNAP section. After completing this, you will receive notifications on school closings, inclement weather, and other safety notifications.
- To report a safety concern, call the MCC Tip Line at (270) 824-1900 to report safety concerns or suspicious behavior. This line is monitored once a day Monday through Friday.
- The MCC emergency number (270) 824-1911 is answered by selected personnel during the day and by a cell phone when these are not available.
- The campus security office is located at JHG 102.
- The office phone number for Campus Security is (270) 824-1828.
- The cell phone number for Campus Security is (270) 452-9143.
Online services for research can be accessed.
MCC: For help with your Student Self-Service or User Account Center
Blackboard: If you have problems with Blackboard, please contact the Blackboard 24/7 Help Desk toll-free at 1-855-554-6622, Option #4, or through the “Help” tab at help for blackboard website.
What is TAO? TAO (Therapy Assistance Online) includes over 150 brief, effective, educational sessions covering over 50 common topics and skills related to mental health, wellness, and substance use issues. TAO includes interactive sessions, mindfulness exercises, and practice tools all aimed at helping you achieve your goals. Register online: https://us.taoconnect.org/register
The College must remain flexible to meet challenges that may include epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, human-influenced disasters, and any and all threats to the College campus, students, employees, and surrounding communities. To ensure the safety and well-being of our constituencies, the College maintains the right to move classes temporarily or permanently to online, remote platforms; to a hybrid section that includes some face-to-face learning and some remote learning; or to a different campus, location, building, or time. Additionally, the College reserves the right to institute plans or practices in the physical classroom/lab/activity spaces and common areas to protect students and faculty. The College will attempt to make these changes as minimally disruptive as possible, but students have no right or privilege in a particular type, place, or time for their classes.
Class periods associated with this course will be recorded by the Instructor. Students are hereby notified that the content of the recordings may, at times, include their faces and voices. Continued participation in this course establishes consent to be recorded. Recordings will be posted by the Instructor so that they are only accessible to the students in this course. If the Instructor intends to release or post these recordings for other sections of this course or for any other purposes, the Instructor will notify students heard or seen in the recordings and will ask for written permission. Students are advised that the written permission, if granted, will be retained in their student records. If students in this class have any questions regarding these recordings or the form they may be asked to sign, students should talk with the Instructor.
Madisonville Community College is committed to student success and improving the employability of the students. Personal and professional attributes and behaviors are necessary to be successful in college and in the workplace. These skills include, but are not limited to dependability, initiative, integrity, effective oral and written communication, teamwork, attendance, time management, and workplace ethics.
Zero to ten percent of your class grade will be derived from the following: Communication, Commitment to Learning, Responsibility, and Behavior. The Student Guidelines for Success page is attached.
(Include this section below if PES is not included under grading criteria for 1-10 percent)
PES in this course will be addressed by: (Examples below)
- Requiring reflection on Convocation speeches
- Giving extra points for attendance at PES workshops
- Inviting speaker from industry to speak on PES-related topic in the course.
- Requiring self-assessment of the PES guidelines with reflection follow-up.
- Discussing PES related topics in classroom.
- Asking students to set PES goals with “My Promise” section of PES Guidelines for Success.
Steps for filing an academic grievance or grade appeal:
If a student encounters a problem in a class and wishes to file a grievance, the student should first speak with the instructor and try to resolve the issue. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student should follow the remaining steps outlined below:
- The student should contact the instructor’s Division Chair in writing (email is acceptable) as soon as possible following the alleged academic violation. If the semester has already ended, the student must submit the written grievance within five business days of the start of next semester.
- If the appropriate Chair is not able to resolve the matter to the student’s satisfaction within fifteen business days, the Chair will notify the Dean of Academic Affairs or the Provost in writing.
- If the Academic Dean or Provost cannot resolve the issue to everyone’s satisfaction within fifteen business days, the student will be notified in writing. The student may then request in writing a hearing before the College Appeals Board (CAB). The student has ten business days to submit this request.
- In the case of a grade appeal after a class has been completed, the CAB may only change the student’s final grade to a P (passing) or W (withdrew).
- Upon receipt of a CAB appeal, the Provost shall forward the appeal to the CAB Chair.
Within ten business days, the Chair will convene the CAB to make the following determinations
based on the written appeal document(s):
- Whether or not any conflicts of interest arise with the regular members of the CAB. If conflicts are found, the respective alternates will be used instead.
- Whether or not the reason for the appeal is within the CAB’s authority to hear. The Student Code of Conduct and this procedure describe the issues that may be heard by the CAB.
- If the CAB finds it does not have authority to hear the appeal, the Chair will send written notice of the decision to the student and the Provost within four business days. This decision is final and not appealable.
- If the CAB decides the appeal is within their authority, then within five business days, the CAB chair shall invite the appropriate college representatives to provide written statements and any related records. These statements and records are due to be returned to the CAB within ten business days.
- The CAB then has ten business days to review the appeal and all the documentation to decide by majority vote whether to hold a hearing or decide the appeal based on the written documentation provided by each party. NOTE: No new matter may be appealed to the CAB which was not included in the student’s original formal written grievance to the administrator described in number 2 above.
- The CAB will notify the student and the college representatives in writing within five business days of their decision. If the CAB makes a decision based on the written documentation, that decision is final, and the student has no further right to appeal within the system.
- If the CAB decides to hear the case, it will establish procedures and a schedule. All parties shall have the opportunity to appear at the hearing and to present oral and written evidence in support of their positions. The CAB may call for further evidence as it deems appropriate. The hearing shall be held, and a final decision made by the CAB within 20 business days after the decision to hear the case. The CAB’s decision is final, and the student has no further right to appeal within the system.