Consumer Information and Student Right-to-Know | MCC

Consumer Information and Student Right-to-Know

This page provides links to information about Madisonville Community College as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 1965, as amended in 2008. Each topic listed either gives a brief description of the federally required information that must be disclosed and explained how further information may be obtained or it is hyperlinked to take you directly to the source of the information.

General Information

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs

Student Matters

Diversity of Student Body

  • College Historical Data

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information

Disability Services Available for Students

Financial Aid Information

Contact the Student Financial Aid Office for further information regarding financial aid.

Gainful Employment Disclosure Information

Graduation Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act)

Placement in Employment

Retention Rate

Security on Campus

Student Code of Conduct

  • The colleges of KCTCS are more than just educational institutions -- they are vibrant and diverse communities. Therefore, KCTCS strives to maintain an atmosphere of academic freedom and personal respect that creates an environment in which all can be successful. As part of this commitment, KCTCS has developed a Code of Student Conduct that serves as a guide for the student's responsibilities and rights within our academic community.

Textbook Information

Transfer of Credit Policy and Articulation Agreements

Vaccinations Policy

  • MCC does not have a campus wide vaccination policy. However specific program offerings such as the Nursing program may maintain specific vaccination requirements for their students. Please review the Programs of Study pages for more information.

Voter Registration