Statewide Transfer Policies
Kentucky’s Applied Associate Transfer Policy guarantees that the general education courses you take as part of an applied associate in science (AAS) degree program will transfer and count toward the lower-division general education requirements of your transfer school. You will need to take additional courses (not included in your AAS program) to complete these requirements.
Students with defined professional/career goals requiring a bachelor’s degree may choose to begin their education at a community college then transfer to any four-year college or university. The General Education Transfer Policy is in place between all public colleges and universities in Kentucky, and the KCTCS policy regarding general education certification is outlined in the KCTCS Rules of the Senate, Section V 5.0.4.
Students who have successfully completed a general education program of 33 credit hours (a minimum of 15 hours completed with KCTCS) will be “fully general education certified”. Students may then transfer these hours altogether as a block. Students must fulfill any additional pre-major requirements of the receiving institution that have not been satisfied through the courses included in the full General Education certification.
Students who have successfully completed only some categories in the 33-credit hour component will be certified for those categories they complete. For example, a student who has completed the six-hour Arts & Humanities requirement of the AA/AS degree may be certified as having met the General Education Transfer Policy’s six-hour Arts & Humanities requirement. Students with “category” certification and/or additional coursework must fulfill the remaining general education requirements for the bachelor degree program.
If you have questions about the General Education Transfer Policy, please contact your college’s Transfer Contact. Completed general education certifications are automatically printed on the official transcript. If the requirements for certification have been completed, but the appropriate certification is not printed on the transcript, contact the college registrar’s office to request the appropriate certification be added to your transcript and request an additional transcript including the certification.