Transfer to MCC
Are you interested in transferring to KCTCS from another college or university? KCTCS is the perfect fit. No matter which one of our majors you choose, your classes will be smaller and taught by actual faculty. You'll find an array of programs and services to assist you in completing your degree. And you'll get the knowledge, skills, and experience you need to achieve your goals.
Admission Information
Ready to get started? Start by completing an application for admission and provide transcripts from your current and previous educational institutions. Transfer admission decisions will be based upon your academic records at all educational institutions you've attended. You must be in good academic standing and eligible to return immediately to the last institution you attended.
Accreditation Requirements for Transfer Course
Degree credit work taken at a fully accredited college or university is recognized credit hour for credit hour. Quarter hours are recognized as two-thirds (2/3) of a semester hour. In order to be classified as fully accredited, a college or university must be a member of an accrediting association.
Academic credit from a non-accredited college or university may be obtained by special subject examinations or may be validated by completion of twelve (12) credit hours, excluding developmental or remedial courses, with a grade point of at least 2.0.
Transfer Course Equivalency Appeals
College staff attempt to make valid course equivalencies for recognized transfer courses in a timely manner.
Students who disagree with the credit awarded for transfer courses, and who have supplied all the required supporting information, may appeal the decision by submitting a written request to the Chief Student Affairs Officer