Satisfactory Academic Progress
What is SAP?
Federal regulations require students who receive financial aid under Title IV programs to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) regardless of whether financial aid is awarded each semester. SAP is measured at the end of each semester/term for all students.
To maintain SAP students must:
- Qualitative (cumulative Grade Point Average)
- Quantitative (67% Rule Hours earned divided by Hours Attempted)
- Maximum Time Frame (150% of required hours for program completion
How can I find my SAP status?
Students can monitor their current SAP status through their Student Self-Service by choosing Fin. Aid & Account Balance and clicking on the current award year. Students should then see the Satisfactory Academic Progress link, which will list current SAP status. Students who end the semester on a Warning or Suspended status will also be notified of their current SAP standing via KCTCS email at the end of the term.
Students can view their attempted hours, earned hours, and cumulative GPA on their Unofficial Transcript.
To calculate their completion rate (67% Rule), students can divide their cumulative earned hours by their cumulative attempted hours. For example, an undergraduate student with 50 earned hours and 100 attempted hours would have a completion rate of 50% (50 divided by 100 = 0.50). Because the student's completion rate falls below 67%, the student would not meet the completion rate (67% Rule) requirement.
SAP Warning: Students who do not meet the Qualitative (cumulative grade point average-GPA) or Quantitative (completion rate) Standard for the first time will be placed on SAP Warning. The student will remain eligible for financial aid funds.
SAP Suspense: Students who fail to meet Qualitative (cumulative grade point average-GPA) or Quantitative (completion rate) Standard at the end of the warning period will be placed on SAP Suspense and are not eligible to receive additional Title IV financial aid. Students who exceed MTF are placed on SAP Suspense immediately upon exceeding 150% of required credits without a warning status. Students may appeal their SAP Suspense status if they feel extenuating circumstances prevented them from meeting SAP standards.
What part of my academic history is reviewed when evaluating sap requirements?
A student's entire (cumulative) academic history is reviewed. This includes transfer credits from other colleges.
How Does Dropping A Class Or Withdrawing From All Classes During A Term Affect Sap?
Dropping a course or withdrawing from all of your courses after the end of the 100 percent refund period will result in a W grade on the student's transcript for that term. This will negatively affect the student's completion rate (67% Rule). Students are always encouraged to speak with both an Academic Advisor and the Office of Financial Aid prior to dropping a course or withdrawing from all their classes.
Does My Sap Status At My Current KCTCS College Transfer To Other KCTCS Colleges?
Yes. A student's SAP status at any KCTCS college will transfer to any other school. Students who do not meet SAP requirements at one KCTCS college are ineligible for federal student aid all KCTCS colleges.
KCTCS Academic Bankruptcy policy does not remove courses from the student's permanent financial aid records. Federal regulations do not recognize academic forgiveness programs. Therefore, the student's entire academic history (everything on the student's permanent financial aid record) will be evaluated to ensure the student has met SAP requirements.
Can I appeal my SAP status?
Yes. Students may appeal their SAP Suspense status if they feel extenuating circumstances prevented them from meeting SAP standards.
How do I appeal my SAP status?
Students who fail to meet SAP requirements due to extenuating circumstances may appeal their SAP status. To appeal, students must complete a SAP Appeal Form available in the Student Self-Service and provide any additional information/documents required by the college.
Students who are placed on financial aid suspension may appeal their SAP Suspense status if they feel extenuating circumstances (illness, death in the family, accidents, etc.) prevented them from meeting SAP standards. To appeal, students must complete a SAP Appeal Form available in their Student Self-Service.
Students who were determined to have exceeded Maximum Time Frame (MTF) may request their coursework be evaluated based on classes needed for their current credential
1.7.1 Appeal Requirements
To appeal, students must complete a SAP Appeal Form available in their Student Self-Service and provide any additional information/documents required by the college. The appeal will be evaluated by the SAP Appeals Committee of the home college. Students will be notified of the committee's decision, typically within ten days of the committee meeting. Since deadlines for submission of appeals, frequency of SAP Committee meetings, and other details of the process may differ by college, students must refer to the SAP information provided on their college's website.
Each college has a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals Committee. The college Financial Aid Offices coordinate all transactions between the College SAP Appeals Committee and students. The individual college Financial Offices, College Financial Aid Directors, or Financial aid staff members DO NOT evaluate nor determine SAP appeal outcome.
SAP appeals will be evaluated by the college SAP Appeal Committee. Students will be notified of the committee's decision, typically within ten days of the committee meeting.
If the SAP appeal is approved, the student will be assigned a Financial Aid SAP Probation status and given an academic plan of action/contract that stipulates certain conditions and academic requirements. Upon acceptance of the academic plan of action/contract, the student may receive financial aid for one additional term. At the end of that term, the student's status will be re-evaluated. Federal student aid for the next term will not be awarded or disbursed until the student has successfully completed all terms specified within the academic plan of action contract or is found to have met SAP requirements.
If the SAP appeal is denied, the student is not eligible for federal student aid will remain ineligible until they are again in compliance with SAP standards. These students may continue to attend college at their own expense. A student who is suspended from financial aid and achieves SAP standards without the assistance of federal financial aid, may request to be evaluated for re-instatement. All requests must be submitted to the local Student Financial Aid office of the home institution.
NOTE: Students are responsible for all expenses such as tuition, fees, books, and supplies pending the decision of the SAP Appeals Committee and must contact the Business Affairs Office to make payment arrangements with the institution. Decisions made by the SAP Appeals Committee are final and are not subject to further appeal.
1.8 Repeat Class Policy
KCTCS colleges will use the highest grade when calculating a student's GPA, but must include the credits from all attempts when calculating maximum time frame (MTF).
1.8.1 Additional Information
Student Aid will not be provided for:
- Courses taken by audit
- Credit hours earned by placement tests
- Non-credit course work
- All transfer hours will count in the attempted hours.
- Grades in legacy software systems (before PeopleSoft) will be used as recorded and reflected on the student's academic transcript.
- If the student receives a change in a grade for a class he/she must report this to their local Student Financial Aid office in writing for the change to be evaluated in the student's financial aid eligibility record.
- Developmental remedial course work may receive funding up to a maximum of 30 credit hours according to federal regulations.
- A student may only receive aid for up to a maximum of 30 credit hours as an undecided major. Students attempting hours beyond the 30 hours must decide an eligible major to be considered for financial aid eligibility.
- A student may only receive aid for up to a maximum of 30 credit hours as a student of a "Pending" program. Students in "Pending" programs in excess of 30 hours beyond May 1, 2012 must appeal and provide a degree audit to be considered for financial aid eligibility.
- Dual Enrollment Agreements (also known as Consortium Agreements) allow a student to receive funds for classes taken at more than one college outside KCTCS colleges. These forms are to be completed by the student and the student's "visiting" college and submitted to their local KCTCS "home" College (where financial aid funds are received; usually the college from which the student plans to graduate). Classes taken at a visiting college (whether at KCTCS colleges or outside KCTCS colleges) must count toward the student's graduation from their awarding college.
- If a student is admitted "conditionally" she/he may receive student aid for one semester only. No additional aid may be awarded until the student completes an admission file.
Students who successfully appeal an Unsatisfactory SAP status will be assigned a Financial Aid Probation SAP status with certain conditions as stipulated in an academic plan or contract. Once the contract is accepted, students can receive financial aid for only one additional term. After that term has ended and grades have posted, the Office of Financial Aid will re-evaluate the student's academic plan/contract and determine if the student has met SAP requirements as identified in the student's academic plan/contract.
For example, a student with extenuating circumstances successfully appeals an unsatisfactory SAP status with the College SAP Appeals Committee at the end of fall term. As a result, the Office of Financial Aid changes the student's SAP status to Financial Aid Probation and awards federal student aid for next term (spring) only. At the end of the term and when the spring grades have posted, the Office of Financial Aid will evaluate the student's academic plan/contract to determine if SAP requirements have now been met. Federal student aid for the student's next term will not be awarded or disbursed until the student has successfully completed all terms specified within the academic plan/contract for the term or the Office of Financial Aid has re-evaluated the student's academic history, and the student is found to have met SAP requirements.
Students with an unsatisfactory SAP status, "SUSPEND" are not eligible for federal student aid at any KCTCS college. Students will remain ineligible for federal student aid unless they successfully appeal or until their academic record is once again in compliance with the SAP Policy. Students who are ineligible for federal student aid may continue to attend any KCTCS college at their own expense and are liable for all educational costs.