MCC Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Application
Mandatory Writing Assignment
What is Occupational Therapy?
Mandatory online video and writing assignment.
- Watch/review the following 3 videos of Occupational Therapy approved by AOTA. If the
link does not directly take you to the video, copy and paste the link into YouTube.
- Video 1 - https://youtu.be/jwwOXlLYQ4Q
- Video 2 - https://youtu.be/V-FwybpoI0w
- Video 3 - https://youtu.be/jhocLIXv3lE
- Summarize what you learned from each video in 200-300 words using correct writing mechanics. No texting abbreviations will be accepted.
- Locate 1 additional video to review about OT that is not listed on the AOTA website. Summarize what you have learned in 100-200 words.
- Review the information on this website. Becoming an Occupational Therapy practitioner. Summarize what you learned from this link in 200-300 words.
Email to MCC OTA Program Director Dr. Kim Qualls at kim.qualls@kctcs.edu
DUE March 31, 2023
Only completed applications will be processed.
Rubric for Mandatory Writing Assignment
Criteria for Grading | Points |
1. Followed all directions |
2 Satisfactory |
2. Reviewed and summarized all links |
2 Satisfactory |
3. Correct word count & No spelling or grammar errors |
3 Satisfactory = Less than 3 errors |
4. Located and provide URL for 1 additional video |
1 Satisfactory |
5. Identified all videos in summary |
2 Satisfactory |