Occupational Therapy Assistant | MCC

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Occupational therapy enables people of all ages to participate in daily living.

Program Contact
Kim Qualls, OTD, MS OTR/L
Program Coordinator
GET STARTED TODAY 270.821.2250


What is Occupational Therapy Assistant?

Occupational therapy enables people of all ages to participate in daily living.
Occupational Therapy Assistants help clients across the lifespan reach functional goals related to play, work, education and self-care that are important to them. Occupational therapy assistants work under the direction of an occupational therapist to provide rehabilitative services to persons with mental, physical, emotional, or developmental impairments. The goal of Occupational Therapy is to improve clients’ quality of life and ability to perform daily activities.

To learn more about occupational therapy visit: https://whychooseot.com/

2 ota students practicing

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Additional Information

Occupational Therapy Assistant is a selective admission program. In addition to MCC's general admission requirements, OTA program candidates must complete the selection process requirements listed below.

  1. Official transcript of all postsecondary education, if courses were not taken in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS).

  2. Documentation of completion of all prerequisite courses, including OTA 101, with a “C” or better before beginning program coursework. (OTA 101 Introduction to Occupational Therapy. OTA 101 requires successful completion of ENG 101. OTA 101 is offered only online in the fall and spring semesters.)

  3. Students seeking admission into the Occupational Therapy Assistant program are required to complete the OTA Application form.
    Click the button below to view the OTA Application.

    OTA Application Form 
    • The online OTA Application will automatically submit your application.

    • The OTA Admission Committee will complete the selection process after spring grades are posted

    • Applicants are notified via KCTCS email.

  4. Verification of attendance at a Preadmission Conference.

    • OTA pre-admission conferences are in person at the MCC Health Campus in room 102 of the Baptist Health Allied Health Building. Applicants will meet the OTA Instructors and tour the OTA classroom and labs. There will be one online preadmission conference offered.

    • All prospective applicants must pre-register to attend a preadmission conference by emailing Dr. Kim Qualls kim.qualls@kctcs.edu before the scheduled date.

    • Preadmission Conference Dates:

      • November 6, 2024 (in person)

        5:00-6:00PM CST - MCC Health Sciences Campus, Baptist Health Allied Health Sciences Building, Rm 102

      • January 21, 2025 (online session)

        2:00-3:30PM CST via MS Teams

      • February 19, 2025 (in person)

        5:00-6:00PM CST - MCC Health Sciences Campus, Baptist Health Allied Health Sciences Building, Rm 102

      • March 19, 2025 (in person)

        5:00-6:00PM CST -  MCC Health Sciences Campus, Baptist Health Allied Health Sciences Building, Rm 102

  5. Writing Assignment

    • Top applicants, based on the established points system, will be invited to progress in the application process.

    • Applicants will be emailed via KCTCS email May 14 of their time slot for a required in-person writing assignment on May 16.

    • On May 16 applicants will be provided a short reading to base the writing assignment on. The writing assignment will be evaluated by the Admissions Committee to finalize the selection of the OTA Program cohort.

    • Location: MCC Health Sciences Campus, Baptist Health Allied Health Sciences Building

The OTA program is only offered as a full-time program. Student can complete the program in 18 months. Courses are offered during three 16-week semesters (August-December and January-May).

Progression in the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program is contingent upon the achievement of a minimum grade of a “C” or higher in each OTA course and prerequisite courses.

Portions of the OTA Program may be online/hybrid. Access to internet is required. Technology requirements are listed on the OTA Webpage for each program. 

The following courses are identified as hybrid or online:

  • OTA 286 - Online
  • OTA 101 - Hybrid
  • OTA 146 - Hybrid
  • OTA 256 - Hybrid
  • OTA 115 - Hybrid
  • OTA 125 - Hybrid
  • OTA 236 - Hybrid
  • OTA 225 - Hybrid

MCC uses Blackboard, a web-based learning management system (LMS). Students and faculty use it to access and manage online courses and to communicate about course content, assignments, exams, and more. To deliver online courses and to enhance on-ground and hybrid classes. 

Blackboard:  If you have problems with Blackboard, please contact the GO KCTCS Student Service Centertoll-free at 1-855-554-6622 or online here: GO KCTCS Student Service Center.

Just log in to https://MyPath.kctcs.edu and click the Blackboard icon on the Welcome page. That’s how easy it is to take MCC OTA online hybrid courses. 

Students will take courses both online and on campus to complete OTA degree requirements

Hybrid Definition

Classes combine classroom and online coursework and typically meet only once weekly online.

Technical Requirements

If you’re planning to enroll in MCC’s OTA program, you’ll need regular access to a computer with internet access. The following suggested and required computer standards can help you avoid some common technical problems.

  • Internet Access
    • DSL, cable, or higher bandwidth is required
      If you have dial-up (56K or less for bandwidth), you may need to use the computers at a local library or MCC OTA Program home campus computer labs to download large documents required by some OTA courses.
  • Hardware
    • Windows or Mac-based computer (Chromebooks are not recommended)
      • 8GB or higher RAM
      • 256GB or higher Solid State Hard Drive (SSD)
      • Speakers, Microphone, and Webcam
    • iOS or Android tablets can be used but are not recommended for coursework.
    • Software
      • Windows 10/11 or Macintosh OS
      • Browser and plugin support
        • Chrome, Firefox, or Edge Recommended
      • Microsoft Word/Office is suggested for most courses and required for others; review each course syllabus for specific course requirements
        • Adobe Acrobat Reader
      • Security software – Keep all your definitions for both spyware and virus software update

The Occupational Therapy Assistant, under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist, works to promote and maintain the holistic health of individuals in the community. The program strives to fill a growing need for professionals able to contribute to all facets of occupational therapy, from assessment to treatment termination. Therefore, in order to work successfully with clients, all applicants should possess sufficient performance skills in the areas of:

  • sensory functions including visual acuity, such as observation skills necessary for administering client care and reading equipment gauges and settings used in treatments;
    sensory functions including auditory perception to receive verbal communication and to execute client care through the use of monitoring devices;
  • strength and gross and fine motor coordination and motor praxis skills to respond promptly and to implement client care skills, such as the manipulation of equipment, and positioning and lifting clients;
  • communication and social skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with the individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the client’s interest, and
  • Intellectual, cognitive, and emotional function to implement the plan of care.

Textbooks/Supplies - $2,000.00
Liability insurance, background check, drug screening - $125.00
Program shirt - $50.00
Hepatitis vaccine - $100.00
AOTA and KOTA dues - $95.00
NBCOT certification fees - $625.00
Cap, gown, and diploma cover for graduation - $100.00
Miscellaneous Items (transfer belt, goniometer, craft materials etc.) - $150.00

This is an estimated cost. Actual costs could be higher or lower than this total depending on the cost of books and materials and changes in tuition and fees charged by the college.

Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapy assistant administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA). In addition, all states require licensure to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

“Students must complete 16 weeks of Level II fieldwork within 18 months following the completion of the didactic portion of the program.”

The total number of graduates for the Madisonville Community College Occupational Therapy Associates Program during the 3-year period 2022-2024 was 28, with an overall graduation rate of 86%.

The 3-year new graduate (NG) pass rate on the National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy exam (NBCOT) for 2022-2024 is 83%.

Year Results
2022 86% - 12/14
2023 86% - 6/7
2024 86% - 6/7
Year Results
2022 70%
2023 100%
2024 80%

OTA Program national statistics reported by NBCOT


The OTA Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE), a division of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), which can be contacted by postal mail at:

c/o Accreditation Department 
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD  20814. 
Phone number: (301) 652-(AOTA) 

Course Catalog

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

Request Information