This is The Learning Space at Madisonville Community College. The Learning Space is a place to study smarter. It's always free to all ...
The Learning Space offers a free, full-service lab containing comfortable computer stations, textbooks for student use, staff to answer questions, and tutoring. Online tutoring is now available in many subject areas. Any student enrolled in KCTCS classes, or any MCC program, can take advantage of The Learning Space services.
All services provided by The Learning Space are at no cost to the student.
- Comfortable computer & private study stations
- Free printing & scanning
- Blackboard assistance
- Current operating systems
- Computer specialists to assist students
- Handicapped accessible, with enlarged monitors available
- Personal assistance with Pearson Labs, Hawkes Labs, Microsoft Office, & CIT courses
- Textbooks available for students to read and complete assignments.
- Peer tutoring in many subjects
Appointments for tutoring can be made by calling, emailing, dropping by in person, or by submitting a Tutoring Request.
We offer tutoring:
- On our Madisonville campus
- On our Muhlenberg campus
- Through our online tutoring app (live synchronous communication with a tutor)
- Through eSupport (email communication with a tutor)
Don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance!
The Learning Space Blackboard eCommunity
The Learning Space Online E-Community is a collection of resources for a variety of subject areas. It contains everything from math formulas to youtube tutorials to research paper formatting tips.
D. Badgett Griffin Learning Space
MCC North Campus
John H. Gray Building, Room 306
(270) 824-1718 for information or an appointment
Email: md-thelearningspace@kctcs.edu
Fall & Spring Semester Hours
- Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
- Closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Summer and Intersession Semester hours vary; please check with staff
Irene Sadler Learning Space
MCC Muhlenberg Campus
Shaver Educational Center, Room 110
(270) 824-1728 for information or an appointment
Email: md-thelearningspace@kctcs.edu
Fall & Spring Semester Hours
- Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
- Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Summer and Intersession Semester hours vary; please check with staff