In-Person Classes to Resume on March 15 | MCC


MCC's campuses and facilities will close at noon on Friday, December 20, 2024, and will remain closed until January 3, 2025. We'll reopen on our regular schedule starting Monday, January 6, 2025.

In-Person Classes to Resume on March 15

Dear MCC Students,

I am very excited to announce that MCC will resume in-person classes on all campuses, beginning Monday, March 15.  

While this is a huge boost for MCC, it is critical that we continue to practice safe habits to protect ourselves and those around us. To that end, we will continue with all of the previous Healthy at MCC requirements as we return, including mandatory masks on campus and social distancing in our classrooms and labs.  

In the meantime, we will continue to monitor the situation and follow the safety guidelines set by our state government and public health officials. It is my hope that as restrictions are lifted, we can become more open for student services, activities, appointments, and meetings.   

Please work with your respective faculty members concerning details for each of your classes.   

Stay safe! 

My best, 

Cynthia S. Kelley, Ph.D.  
Madisonville Community College  

MCC Stronger