MCC Archers Bring Home Medals | MCC

MCC Archers Bring Home Medals

Madisonville Community College (MCC) archery team members Trevor Adams, Kody Appleby, Hunter Carlton, Brandon Shaw, and Jonathan Stevens participated in the U.S. Intercollegiate Archery Championships at the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Range in Yankton, SD, on May 11-14.

 MCC Archers










Pictured (kneeling l-r) Trevor Adams, Brandon Shaw; (standing l-r) Jonathan Stevens,

Kody Appleby, Hunter Carlton.

Carlton, Appleby, and Stevens earned the silver medal for the Compound Men Team.  Appleby won silver in the Compound Men Individual class.  Shaw earned a bronze medal for the Bow Hunter Men Individual class.

Carlton and Appleby were ranked 1 and 3 respectively for the USCS 2016-2017 All American Honors and the All-Academic Honors in the Compound Men category. Stevens was ranked first in the Best New Archer in the Compound Men category.