MCC Nursing Students Stock CASA Kids Store | MCC

MCC Nursing Students Stock CASA Kids Store

Students in Madisonville Community College’s (MCC) nursing program went toy shopping for a great cause – stocking the CASA Kids Store!  MCC Nursing Division Assistant Kay Hawkins is a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer and serves as Vice Chair for the CASA Board of Directors.  On a recent visit to the CASA program in Lexington, CASA Executive Director Daphyne Maddox and Hawkins learned of the unique toy donation program that allows a CASA volunteer going out to meet a child for the first time the opportunity to give a toy as an ice breaker. 


Maddox and Hawkins wanted to bring that idea to Hopkins, Webster, and Crittenden counties and began exploring ways to find assistance in the community so that local CASA volunteers could have the same experience.  MCC nursing faculty member and CASA Board of Directors member Barb Schnapf shared, “The faculty at MCC’s nursing program were contacted and we put the word out to our students and this is the result.”

 CASA Kids Store 

“MCC nursing students from each of the four semesters participated and we are thrilled to see what they have done.  We were able to pull together and give to the CASA program and the clients,” noted Schnapf.

CASA Group













Pictured (l-r) are:  Karley Holt, CASA Volunteer Coordinator; Daphyne Maddox, Executive Director of CASA of Hopkins, Webster & Crittenden Counties; Barb Schnapf, CASA Board of Directors member and MCC Nursing faculty member; Kay Hawkins, CASA Board of Directors Vice Chair and MCC Nursing Division Assistant; and Marceia Ellis, CASA Board of Directors Secretary.

CASA of Hopkins, Webster, and Crittenden Counties is a 3 county program that recruits, screens, trains, and supervises volunteers to help abused children in family court find safe permanent homes as soon as possible. 

To learn more about CASA or to become a volunteer, go to or email