Melton First to Complete AIT Co-op Course | MCC

Melton First to Complete AIT Co-op Course


Dylan Melton recently became the first Advanced Integrated Technology (AIT) program student to complete the 3 month AIT Cooperative Education course offered by Madisonville Community College (MCC). This course is a planned and evaluated work experience related to the student s educational objective. A 2012 Muhlenberg County High School graduate, he is employed by Fluid Power Services, Inc., a full service hydraulic center located in Madisonville. In selecting Melton for the coop position, Mike Deal, assistant professor in the AIT program, cited Melton s level of responsibility, integrity, cooperation, and reliability as factors in his placement.

Melton presented his coop executive summary to a group consisting of AIT faculty members, representatives from MCC s Advancement and Academic Affairs departments, his parents, and his employer. He shared that his primary responsibilities included the tear down of various hydraulic parts in preparation for rebuilds. This provided him with better understanding of the inner workings of hydraulics as well as his classroom theory instruction. Melton s interest in electricity and hydraulics stems from his high school enrollment in AIT dual credit classes offered by MCC. Benefits of the cooperative education course included the hands-on experience in his field of study, work experience for future employment, and the opportunity to hone his communication skills. Jim Sexton, owner of Fluid Power Services, complimented the organization and detail of his presentation and indicated that it was representative of Melton s everyday life. It was a pleasure to have Dylan as a coop student, especially with the skills and knowledge that he has, stated Sexton.

Melton plans to complete the Power Plant Operator and Multi-skilled Technician credentials by the summer of 2014. He anticipates transferring either to Murray State University or Western Kentucky University to pursue a degree in Electromechanical Engineering Technology or other related field.