MCC Announces Online Dual Credit Opportunities | MCC

MCC Announces Online Dual Credit Opportunities


Beginning this fall, Madisonville Community College (MCC), through it Pathways to College program, will offer high school students with qualifying ACT scores the opportunity to select from the college s extensive list of on-line courses to earn dual credit. Students taking advantage of this opportunity will earn high school and college credit for completion of the college course. The tuition for these courses will be reduced 50% to approximately $216 for a typical 3 credit hour class. Students will be expected to purchase the required course textbook.

MCC President Dr. Judith Rhoads notes, MCC continues to expand ways that high school students in the region can challenge themselves by taking rigorous college classes while in high school. This benefits them by getting an early start on college, providing a more effective transition from high school to college, and saving college costs.

Student success in any on-line class is largely dependent on the maturity of the student. This concern will be addressed through a partnership with participating high schools which will provide instructional support for their students. Dr. Deborah Cox, MCC Chief Academic Affairs Officer, explains that we want to offer these students a hybrid approach involving high school personnel support to make certain students are keeping up in their courses and helping with the logistical issues that can arise in any on-line class. This will involve students reporting to their library or other designated location at the high school on a regular basis.

Classes offered will include an extensive variety of courses in the humanities, math and natural sciences, and the social sciences. Students or parents interested in this opportunity should contact the high school guidance offices. They also may contact George Humphreys, MCC Extended Campus Director, at (270) 824-1723 or