Computer4Kids kicks off 2012-2013 school year with 50 donations | MCC

Computer4Kids kicks off 2012-2013 school year with 50 donations

The Computer4Kids (C4K) program will kick off the 2012-2013 school year by donating 50 computer systems to the Hopkins County Family Resource Centers. The computers will be distributed through the Centers to families that do not have a working computer in their homes. Distribution will begin with the elementary school Family Resource Centers open houses starting on August 2.

C4K program is a joint venture of Madisonville Community College (MCC) and the Madisonville Housing Authority. Mitch Poole of MCC indicates that the donations would not have been possible without the support of Spencer Brothers Storage, Trover Foundation, and Hopkins County Schools. We are very appreciative of the Hopkins County Schools' IT department. They played a major role in assisting with the preparation of the computers, stated Poole.

Research nationwide has validated how important it is for children to have access to a working computer in the home. It is one of the major tools for academic success, improved computer skills, and career preparation. Poole noted, Helping the children in our community to become successful is what the Computer4Kids program is all about.

For additional information about the C4K program or to donate computers and/or related equipment, please contact Mitch Poole at (270) 824-1766 or Sam Huskey at (270) 871-6423.